When we do use pgbounecr for connection pooling we do faces difficulties to trace IP of bad/poor performance query .
Here ,In this blog i am trying to get this archive by using PostgreSQL DB link to get more visibility of query from where it is coming
Let's ses how can we do it .
JFI - I have installed pg-bouncer 1.9
Step 1 -
Step 5 -
Execute the below query to check connection details .
, usename
, p.state
, case when b.user is not null then 'pgBouncer' else application_name end app
, case when b.user is null then client_addr else addr::inet end ip
, b.user
, b.state "state"
, b.connect_time "pgbouncer_connect"
, query_start
, pid
from pg_stat_activity p
left outer join pg_bou_stat_activity b
on addr||':'||b.port = regexp_replace(p.application_name,'^.{0,}(- )','')
where pid <> pg_backend_pid()
You will get below kind of result set .
Here ,In this blog i am trying to get this archive by using PostgreSQL DB link to get more visibility of query from where it is coming
Let's ses how can we do it .
JFI - I have installed pg-bouncer 1.9
Step 1 -
Create DB link extension .
Step 2 -
Create server
Details need to be mentioned of pg-bouncer with pg-bouncer database
Step 3 -
Create user mapping
Step 4 -
Create View which will fetch data by using server which is created in step 2 .
create view pg_bou_stat_activity AS SELECT
_.type ,
_."user" ,
_.database ,
_.state ,
_.addr ,
_.port ,
_.local_addr ,
_.local_port ,
_.wait ,
_.wait_us ,
_.ptr ,
_.link ,
_.remote_pid ,
_.tls ,
_.recv_pos ,
_.pkt_pos ,
_.pkt_remain ,
_.send_pos ,
_.send_remain ,
_.pkt_avail ,
from dblink('pgbouncer'::text, 'show SOCKETS'::text) _(
type text ,
"user" text ,
database text ,
state text ,
addr text ,
port integer ,
local_addr text ,
local_port integer ,
connect_time timestamp with time zone ,
request_time timestamp with time zone ,
wait integer ,
wait_us integer ,
close_needed integer ,
ptr bytea ,
link text ,
remote_pid integer ,
tls text ,
recv_pos integer ,
pkt_pos integer ,
pkt_remain integer ,
send_pos integer ,
send_remain integer ,
pkt_avail integer ,
send_avail integer );
Step 5 -
Execute the below query to check connection details .
, usename
, p.state
, case when b.user is not null then 'pgBouncer' else application_name end app
, case when b.user is null then client_addr else addr::inet end ip
, b.user
, b.state "state"
, b.connect_time "pgbouncer_connect"
, query_start
, pid
from pg_stat_activity p
left outer join pg_bou_stat_activity b
on addr||':'||b.port = regexp_replace(p.application_name,'^.{0,}(- )','')
where pid <> pg_backend_pid()
You will get below kind of result set .