Thursday 25 October 2018

EDB Postgres Failover Manager | EFM 3.2

EDB Postgres Failover Manager (EFM) is a high-availability module from EnterpriseDB that enables a Postgres Master node to automatically failover to a Standby node in the event of a software or hardware failure on the Master.

In this blog I am trying my best to explain how to Install,Configure and Perform [Failover/Switchover] .

You can get EDB's official document from - Link

Supported Platforms  

Failover Manager 3.2 is supported on EDB Postgres Advanced Server or PostgreSQL(version 9.3 and higher) installations running on:

CentOS 6.x and 7.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (IBM Power8 Little Endian or ppc64le) 7.x
Debian 9
Ubuntu 18.04


1) Install Java-1.8 or later 
2) Configure Streaming Replication 
3) Make sure below ports are open .

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7800:7810 -j ACCEPT

Above command opens a small range of ports (7800 through 7810). Failover Manager will connect via the port that corresponds to the port specified in the cluster properties file. 

So ,Now let's start with actual installation and configuration of EFM considering you have a fresh system .

Download EDB's yum repo .

Edit below file 


Edit the above file and enable the [enterprisedb-tools] and the [enterprisedb-dependencies] entries. To enable a repository, change the value of the enabled parameter to 1 and replace the user name and password placeholders in the baseurl specification with your user name and the repository password.

name=EnterpriseDB Tools $releasever - $basearch

Install EFM 3.2

yum install yum install edb-efm34

Failover Manager components are installed in the following locations:

Cluster configuration files
Lock files
Log rotation file
sudo configuration file
Binary to access VIP without sudo

Configure EDB EFM 

1) Create dedicated user for EFM .
postgres=# create user efmtest with superuser ;

2) You must modify the pg_hba.conf file on the Master and Standby nodes, adding
entries that allow communication between the all of the nodes in the cluster. 

host postgres efmtest md5 ##Master
host postgres efmtest md5 ##Slave
host postgres efmtest md5 ##Witness

3) Encrypt your database user password .

Failover Manager requires you to encrypt your database password before including it in the cluster properties file.

/usr/edb/efm-3.2/bin/efm encrypt efm

Keep copy of this password for some time .

4) Make a configuration files .

After installation two sample files get created i.e 

Make a copy of this file as 

cp /etc/edb/efm-3.2/ /etc/edb/efm-3.2/
cp /etc/edb/efm-3.2/ /etc/edb/efm-3.2/efm.nodes

        efm is your cluster name ,If you want you can use another name .

5) I have changed some parameter in which is as below .

db.user=efmtest db.password.encrypted=e32f382eea7b5e2a4b413fa475e1e2c3 db.port=5432 db.database=postgres db.service.owner=postgres db.bin=/opt/PostgreSQL/10/bin db.recovery.conf.dir=/opt/PostgreSQL/10/data bind.address= admin.port=7809 is.witness=false stop.isolated.master=false stop.failed.master=false pingServerIp= pingServerCommand=/bin/ping -q -c3 -w5 auto.allow.hosts=true stable.nodes.file=false auto.failover=true auto.reconfigure=true promotable=true recovery.check.period=2 auto.resume.period=5 virtualIp= virtualIp.interface=ens33 virtualIp.prefix=24 virtualIp.single=true

Note : 

      *  bind.address 

                The bind.address property specifies the IP address and port number of the agent on the current node of the Failover Manager cluster. 

     * On witness node make sure it should be (is.witness=true) .

6) Make changes into efm.nodes file .

efm.nodes file contains a list of the current Failover Manager cluster members.

Add the addresses and ports of each node in the cluster to this file. One node will act as the membership coordinator; the list should include at least the membership coordinator's address:

efm.nodes entries on master .

efm.nodes entries  on Slave .

efm.nodes entries  on Witness .

7) Start the efm service on witness .

Generally keep sequence of EFM service start as below .

witness - master - slave . 

systemctl start efm-3.2

## After service successfully start execute allow-node command .

[root@witness ~]# efm allow-node efm
allow-node signal sent to local agent.
[root@witness ~]# efm allow-node efm
allow-node signal sent to local agent.

After witness service start it will looks like 

[root@witness ~]# efm cluster-status efm
Cluster Status: efm

       Agent Type  Address         Agent DB VIP
       Witness        UP N/A

Allowed node host list:

Membership coordinator:

Standby priority host list:
       (List is empty.)

Promote Status:

Did not find XLog location for any nodes.

After you start all the efm services .It will look like as below .

You can see now VIP is assigned with Master node .

[root@master ~]# efm cluster-status efm
Cluster Status: efm

       Agent Type  Address         Agent DB VIP
       Master        UP UP*
       Standby        UP UP
       Witness        UP N/A

Allowed node host list:

Membership coordinator:

Standby priority host list:

Promote Status:

       DB Type    Address         XLog Loc Info
       Master        0/F5FCEE28
       Standby        0/F5FCEE28

       Standby database(s) in sync with master. It is safe to promote.
[root@master ~]#

8 ) Performing Switchover/failover to make old Master as a slave and old salve as a new master .

You can invoke efm promote on any node of a Failover Manager cluster to start a manual promotion of a Standby database to Master database.
  • Command to perform manual failover .
efm promote efm
  • Command to perform manual switchover  .
efm promote efm -switchover

Now i am testing switchover .

[root@slave ~]# efm promote efm -switchover
Promote/switchover command accepted by local agent. Proceeding with promotion and will reconfigure original master. Run the 'cluster-status' command for information about the new cluster state.
[root@slave ~]#

After performing the switchover cluster status will look like as below .And VIP will get assigned with new Master .

[root@slave ~]# efm cluster-status efm
Cluster Status: efm

       Agent Type  Address         Agent DB VIP
       Standby        UP UP
       Master        UP UP*
       Witness        UP N/A

Allowed node host list:

Membership coordinator:

Standby priority host list:

Promote Status:

       DB Type    Address         XLog Loc Info
       Master        0/F60001A8
       Standby        0/F60001A8

       Standby database(s) in sync with master. It is safe to promote.
[root@slave ~]#

For more information and different switches/commands of EFM ,Please visit EDB's website .

You can get EDB's official document from - Link

Thursday 13 September 2018

Mapping pgbouncer with pg_stat_activity

When we do use pgbounecr for connection pooling we do faces difficulties to trace IP of bad/poor performance query .

Here ,In this blog i am trying to get this archive by using PostgreSQL DB link to get more visibility of query from where it is coming 

Let's ses how can we do it .

JFI  -  I have installed pg-bouncer 1.9  

Step 1 - 

Create DB link extension .


Step 2 -

Create server 

Details need to be mentioned of pg-bouncer with pg-bouncer database 

Step 3 - 

Create user mapping 

Step 4 -

Create View which will fetch data by using server which is created in step 2 .

create view pg_bou_stat_activity AS SELECT
_.type        ,
_."user"      ,
_.database    ,
_.state       ,
_.addr        ,
_.port        ,
_.local_addr  ,
_.local_port  ,
_.wait        ,
_.wait_us     ,
_.ptr         ,        ,
_.remote_pid  ,
_.tls         ,
_.recv_pos    ,
_.pkt_pos     ,
_.pkt_remain  ,
_.send_pos    ,
_.send_remain ,
_.pkt_avail   ,

from dblink('pgbouncer'::text, 'show SOCKETS'::text)  _(
type           text          ,
"user"           text        ,
database       text          ,
state          text          ,
addr           text       ,
port           integer          ,
local_addr     text       ,
local_port     integer          ,
connect_time   timestamp with time zone ,
request_time   timestamp with time zone ,
wait           integer          ,
wait_us        integer          ,
close_needed   integer          ,
ptr            bytea          ,
link           text          ,
remote_pid     integer          ,
tls            text          ,
recv_pos       integer          ,
pkt_pos        integer          ,
pkt_remain     integer          ,
send_pos       integer          ,
send_remain    integer          ,
pkt_avail      integer          ,
send_avail     integer          );

Step 5 - 

Execute the below query to check connection details . 

      , usename
      , p.state
      , case when b.user is not null then 'pgBouncer' else application_name end app
      , case when b.user is null then client_addr else addr::inet end ip
      , b.user
      , b.state "state"
      , b.connect_time "pgbouncer_connect"
      , query_start 
      , pid
    from pg_stat_activity p
    left outer join pg_bou_stat_activity b
      on addr||':'||b.port = regexp_replace(p.application_name,'^.{0,}(- )','')
    where pid <> pg_backend_pid()


You will get below kind of result set .

Monday 12 March 2018

PostgreSQL pg_rewind

Introduction : - 

pg_rewind is a tool for synchronizing a PostgreSQL cluster with another copy of the same cluster, after the clusters' timelines have diverged. A typical scenario is to bring an old master server back online after failover as a standby that follows the new master.

The result is equivalent to replacing the target data directory with the source one. Only changed blocks from relation files are copied; all other files are copied in full, including configuration files. The advantage of pg_rewind over taking a new base backup, or tools like rsync, is that pg_rewind does not require reading through unchanged blocks in the cluster. This makes it a lot faster when the database is large and only a small fraction of blocks differ between the clusters.

How it works :- 

The basic idea is to copy all file system-level changes from the source cluster to the target cluster

  1. Scan the WAL log of the target cluster, starting from the last checkpoint before the point where the source cluster's timeline history forked off from the target cluster. For each WAL record, record each data block that was touched. This yields a list of all the data blocks that were changed in the target cluster, after the source cluster forked off.

  2. Copy all those changed blocks from the source cluster to the target cluster, either using direct file system access (--source-pgdata) or SQL (--source-server).

  3. Copy all other files such as pg_clog and configuration files from the source cluster to the target cluster (everything except the relation files).

  4. Apply the WAL from the source cluster, starting from the checkpoint created at failover. (Strictly speaking, pg_rewind doesn't apply the WAL, it just creates a backup label file that makes PostgreSQL start by replaying all WAL from that checkpoint forward.)

Configure Replication : - 

I have already configured replication between two server [9.6 PostgreSQL community version] .

Here i have my replication setup .

Situation of fail-over :- 
  • DBA error 
  • Fail-over management tool error
  • Fail-over script get wrong input which cause standby promotion .
  • While doing fail-over test .
When this kind of situation occurs and we want to re-attach to connect old master as new slave in less time [Bypassing pg_basebackup/rsync] ,pg_rewind is a good solution to build new standby which start following new master .

Use case of pg_rewind :- 

  • Performe fail-over
  • Lode some data on both server [insert some rows/create any object] 
  • perform pg_rewind so that old master [New standby] start following new master [old replica] .
  • Check that both server are in sync and checking which was made on old master after fail-over this should get roll-backed . 

Step 1 :- Promote standby server 

Step 2 : - 

Lode some data in New Master 

Lode some data in Old master 

Now both server are totally out of sync ,Try to bring them in sync and old master server will start following to new master as a standby .

Step 3 : - 

Perform pg_rewind to start old master sync with new master .

pg_rewind  --target-pgdata=/usr/local/Postgresql9.6/data_master/ --source-server="port=5444 host=Replica_server_ip"

Note : - Before starting new standby ,Make changes in recovery.conf to change IP address and create replication slot on master server .

Step 4: - 

Changes get roll-backed from old master which is not required and blocks which are updated those get replayed on new slave